Our Vision
Parkmore Primary School’s Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to take advantage of opportunity and face challenges within the dynamic world in which they live in today.
Through rich, holistic and flexible inquiry units, students are provided challenging, and stimulating learning experiences, allowing them to explore and build on their knowledge and understandings. Parkmore Primary School’s IBL encourages its students to develop their capacity to take an active role in their learning; by taking on personal responsibility and ownership of their learning.
The Inquiry Based Learning curriculum aims to provide students with several essential skills to support them to become successful learners. Each student’s developing metacognitive processes are enhanced through critical questioning, investigation, application, reflection and evaluation.
The IBL units encompass several discipline based curriculum areas, such as sciences, history and humanities, and civics and citizenship, as well as a number of other essential learning areas identified as critical in student wellbeing and development, including Positive Education, Creativity & Innovation, and eLearning. It is within these learning areas as well as the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum, that we aim to promote intellectual, social and emotional development, in the hope of maximizing each student’s opportunity for a healthy, productive and rewarding future.
Our emphasis on Positive Education aims to develop student’s awareness of their personal beliefs, values and character strengths, along with personal learning abilities, building students’ sense of self-worth, self-awareness and personal identity.
Continuous advances in the ways people are using and developing ICT places an imperative for our students to be equipped with the skills and knowledge of how to both, use the technologies to their full potential to demonstrate their learning, and to ensure they are aware of the risks and responsibilities associated with its increased usage.