'Bringing the school community together'
Parkmore Parents and Friends Group (PEG) is a supportive parent network which brings our students, parents and staff together through one common goal which is to make a difference to our children’s education.
By engaging in PEG, families can provide strong examples to their children around the benefits of community and volunteering, and send positive messages of the values we place on their school and education.
The more families we have involved in PEG, the broader the resources available to help us create a vibrant, engaged and supportive school community. Many hands make light work.
Your voice and input is valued in any capacity. Contribute as little or as much as you like. Spare just one hour to volunteer at events or provide expertise that will help us make better decisions.
From 2024 onwards all parents and families are encouraged to join our PEG WhatsApp community group. The PEG WhatsApp group provides one of the main channels of communication for social and school events and allows the school community to view upcoming events via the yearly activity calendar.
If you are not yet part of the WhatsApp group, please chat to Mel and Pam at the school office.
The PEG core guidance group is also involved in passing on your feedback to the School Council. Any positive ideas on how to improve Parkmore Primary School and the community, put forward in the PEG WhatsApp group, or in person, will be communicated at the School Council meetings.
All families are welcome to attend the School Council meetings which are currently being held as hybrid onsite/online meetings to provide easy access for all families.
Please contact our Office or School Council President for details of our next meeting and agenda.