Administration of Medication Policy
The school is committed to taking all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment for students, including by ensuring staff fulfil their duty of care in relation to any medication requirement. Date: June 2023
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Anaphylaxis Management Policy
To provide, as far as practicable, a well-informed, safe and supportive environment in which anaphylactic students can participate equally in all aspects of schooling. Date: September 2023
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Attendance Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure all children of compulsory school age are enrolled in a registered school and attend school every day the school is open for instruction. Date: June 2023
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Bullying Prevention
Bullying is when a person, or persons, deliberately upset or hurt another person or damage their social acceptance reputation, or property in an ongoing manner. Date: September 2023
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Bus Safety
This policy sets out the requirements for schools who purchase or hire buses, operate buses, or charter bus services.
Date: October 2023
Camps and Excursions Policy
Excursions and camps are seen as an integral part of the curriculum as they enable students to explore, extend and enrich their learning, and development their social skills, in a non-school setting. Excursions and camps complement, and are an important aspect of, the educational programs offered at Parkmore Primary School. Date: May 2023
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Cash Handling Policy
Cash transactions are one of the most vulnerable areas of the school. To safeguard these assets, protect the staff involved in receipting and collection, and minimise the risks associated with cash handling, the school will implement the measures outlined below, in accordance with Department of Education and Training (DET) guidelines and best practice. Date: February 2019
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Child Safe
Child Safety - Induction Pack - Volunteers
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations
The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures our school has in place to respond to complaints or concerns relating to child abuse and to ensure that all staff and members of our school community understand and follow the various legal obligations that apply to the reporting of child abuse to relevant authorities.
Date: October 2023
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Child Safety Code of Conduct
Our Child Safety Code of Conduct sets out the expected behaviour of adults with children and young people in our school.
All Parkmore Primary School staff, volunteers, contractors, service providers, school council members and any other adult involved in child-connected work must follow the Child Safety Code of Conduct.
The Child Safety Code of Conduct applies to all physical and online environments used by students. It also applies during or outside of school hours and in other locations provided by the school for student use (for example, a school camp).
Date: August 2023
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
The Parkmore Primary School Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy demonstrates our school’s
commitment to creating and maintaining a child safe and child-friendly organisation, where children
and young people are safe and feel safe. Date: October 2023
Complaints Policy
Parkmore Primary School encourages its students to strive for excellence in all of their endeavours. This policy explains our approach to the delivery of the Victorian Curriculum. Date: October 2023
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Curriculum Framework Policy
Parkmore Primary School encourages its students to strive for excellence in all of their endeavours. This policy explains our approach to the delivery of the Victorian Curriculum. Date: October 2023
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Digital Learning Policy
Digital resources are essential tools for providing students with an enriched learning environment. Parkmore Primary School actively supports access by students and staff to the widest variety of information resources, but acknowledge these resources must be used responsibly. Date: October 2023
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Duty of Care Policy
In addition to their professional obligations, principals and teachers have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to protect students in their charge from risks of injury that are reasonably foreseeable. Date: May 2023
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Electronic Funds Management Policy
Schools are able to accept and provide alternative payment methods to cash or cheque by utilising Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale (EFTPOS) Facilities. EFTPOS provides schools with the ability to accept non-cash electronic payments by way of credit and debit card transactions. Date: February 2019
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eLearning Policy
Parkmore Primary School aims to provide students with a safe and engaging environment where technologies are utilised to enhance learning. Date: May 2016
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First Aid Policy
The school is committed to taking all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment for students, including by ensuring staff fulfil their duty of care in relation to the provision of first aid. Date: June 2023
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Health Care Needs Policy
To provide advice around the appropriate support provided to students with health care needs. Date: June 2023
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Investment Policy
The School Council will maximise the earnings on excess funds where available, by investing in prudentially sound and secure investment institutions, which are professionally managed and have strong financial status in reserves, liquidity and profitability. Date: February 2019
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Mobile Phones - Student Use Policy
To explain the DET and Parkmore Primary School's policy requirements and expectations relating to students using mobile phones and other personal mobile devices during school hours. Date: August 2023
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Parent Payment Policy
Schools provide students with free instruction and ensure students have free access to all items, activities and services that are used by the school to fulfil the requirements of the Curriculum. This includes the Victorian Curriculum F-10. Schools can request contributions from parents under three categories: Curriculum Contributions: Voluntary financial contributions for curriculum items and activities which the school deems necessary for students to learn the Curriculum. Other Contributions Voluntary financial contributions for non-curriculum items and activities that relate to the school’s functions and objectives. Extra-Curricular Items and Activities Items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides for free to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis. Please see the Department of Education’s Parent Payment Policy for further details.
Parent Payment letter for 2024 Download file
Parent Payment One Page Overview Download file
Schools Privacy - Policy and Statement
DET Policy around how information is collected and shared.
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DET Privacy Collection Statement for Primary Schools
Statement of Values and School Philosophy
The school has developed this statement with input from students, parent and staff. September 2023
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Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
A positive school culture that is fair and respectful to all is a fundamental element in promoting student engagement. Quality child-centred teaching and learning programs engage students, enabling them to learn and develop positive attitudes to themselves and their learning. Students who attend school regularly have the greatest opportunities to learn and to develop a positive attitude to learning. Student engagement is a key factor in promoting student attendance. This policy sets out the school’s position on student engagement, student attendance and student behaviour. Date: September 2023
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SunSmart Policy
The Sunsmart policy aims to provides students, staff and parents/carers of Parkmore Primary School with better sun-protection knowledge and behaviours. Date: May 2017
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Take Home Tasks Policy
School related activities completed at home benefit students by consolidating classroom learning, fostering good study habits, providing an opportunity for students to develop a ‘love of learning’ and demonstrate persistence. Provides an opportunity for parents to engage in their children’s learning. Date: November 2018
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Student Dress Code
A student dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance and instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the Parkmore Primary School community. Students are expected to dress in complete school uniform in a way that reflects a sense of pride in their school and themselves. It provides a means of identification and helps to ensure safety of our students, in the schoolyard and in transit to and from the school. Date: Reviewed November 2020
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Visitors Policy
This policy governs the provision of a safe and secure learning and teaching environment for students and staff by establishing processes to monitor and manage visitors to our school. May 2023
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Volunteer Policy
The success of many activities for Parkmore Primary School students, inclusive of the Classroom Helpers program, excursions and school camps, is dependent upon the assistance of volunteer parents and carers. The interests and abilities of volunteers add significantly to the human resources available to our school, therefore providing our students with a wider range of interactions, opportunities and experiences for students. October 2023
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Working With Children Check - Register Procedure
To ensure compliance with the requirements of the Minimum Standards for school registration, including the Child Safe Standards, Parkmore Primary School maintains a register of all employees, volunteers and visitors (including contractors) Working with Children Clearance (WWCC) details, where they are required to have one under the Worker Screening Act 2020 or under our school or department policies. Date: November 2023
Yard duty and Supervision Policy
To ensure school staff understand their supervision and yard duty responsibilities. Date: November 2023